Get Approved By Google AdSense

Important Things You Must Have To Get Approved By Google AdSense

weâfikaia .sKqula wkqu; ùug n,mdk jeo.;au l/Kq'

Those articles you'll find what are the reasons that AdSense won't approve your blog. In this article we are going to see the important factors you need to get your AdSense account approved.
You might have seen many articles on different site. You might read the entire article but still your AdSense didn’t approve. Why? I think they don’t know the real thing about AdSense.
Many Peoples told lot of tricks to get approve your AdSense account. But all things are useless there are no secret behind anything.

Google Doesn't Care These Thing

  • More traffic
  • 6 month Old Blog or 1 year old Top Level domain
  • 2 Year or Higher Registered Domain
  • Good design
You can apply for AdSense account even if your blog is 1 month old. it should have good, unique content in the site, with lot of comment.

weâfikaia fï ku weyqku;a iuy/ ÿjf.k tkjd' ta ;rug f.dvla fofkla fï .ek Wkkaÿhs' weâfikaia .sKqula w¨;ska yod.kak uykais fj,d neß Wk whg fmdä Wmfoia álla fï ,smsfha ;shkjd' tl tlaflkd lshk lshk úÈhg lr, n,,d id¾:l fkdjqk whg fï ldrkd f.dvla jeo.;a fõú' weâfikaia .sKqula ,nd.ekSu tkak tkaku wud/ fjkjd' ld,hla ,xldjg weâfikaia fok tl;a kj;a;, ;snqk' ta;a oeka wdhs;a ,xldjg .kak mq¨jka'

m%Odku foa ;uhs Thd, ys;k úoshg .+.,a ys;kafka keye'
  • wfma ihsÜ tlg ojig úisÜ f.dvla
  • udi 6lg jvd mrK fgdma f,j,a fvdfïkhla
  • wjq/ÿ 2lg jvd jeä bÈß ld,hlg fvdfïkh ,shdmÈxÑ lr ;sîu
  • fjí wvúfha ,iaik yevh

f.dvla wh lshkafka uu Th lshmq foaj,a ;sfhkak Wjukdhs lsh,' kuq;a fï lsisu fohla weäfikaia .sKqula ,nd.kak jeo.;a foaj,a fkfï' wmsg mq¨jka f.dvla jeo.;a hqksla lkafgka ;shk íf,d.a wvúh krnkakkaf.a m%;spdr j,ska ms/k udihla mrK íf,d.a tllg Wk;a weâfikaia .sKqula ,nd.kak' Thd,g mqÿu ysf;aú' ta;a tal ;uhs we;a; l;dj'

Important Thing for AdSense Approval
weâfikaia .sKqula wkqu; ùug n,mdk jeo.;au l/Kq'

Create Unique Content

When you submit your site for Google AdSense account they review your site completely. They check your all article and see your content unique or not.

wms fjí wvúhla weâfikaia wkque;sh ioyd bÈßm;a lrdu .+.,a úiska tal iïmQ¾Kfhkau mÍlaId lrkjd' uq,skau n,kafka wfma ihsÜ tfla fldms lrmq foaj,a ;shkjo lsh,' fu;kÈ wms fmdfgda tlla yß fldms lr, ;snqfkd;a jefâ wjq,a' u;l ;shd.kak fldms fmaiaÜ j,g weâfikaia ,efnkafka keye' ta ksid Thd,g weâfikaia ´k kï lsisu fohla fldms lrkak tmd' Thd,f.u foaj,a ,shkak' Thd,u ks¾udkh lrmq fmdfgda Ndú;d lrkak' u;l ;shd.kak .+.,ag fydr lrkak mq¨jka lsh, ys;kjkï wms yß fudvhs'

Neat Design and Navigation

Make your navigation and site design unique and easy. Put all your important pages in the menu bar. It will become easy to get AdSense account.

wfma fjí wvúhg wkkH;djhla we;s jk wdldrhg fgïmaf,aÜ tl idod.ekSu;a f.dvla jeo.;a' ta fjí wvúh ndú;d lsÍug myiq wdldrhg ks¾udKh lrkak ´k' fuys§ wm fjí wvúfha m%Odk msgq uq,a msgqfõ fukq ndrhg we;+,;a lr ;sîu jeo.;a fõ'

Create All Important Pages

Make sure you have done that before applying to AdSense account, make new page in your site and locate them in the menu bar. Then you will get AdSense account.

Important Pages

  • About us and About Website
  • Archives / Site Map
  • Contact
  • Term and condition
  • Privacy policy

  • oeka uu lshkafka b;du;au jeo.;a ldrKdjla' wfma fjí wvúfha my; 
    ioyka lrk wx. wksjd¾fhkau we;=,;a úh hq;=hs'

    • fjí wvúh mj;ajdf.k hk wh iy fjí wvúh ms,sno meyeÈ,s úia;rhla'
    • fjí wvúfha we;=,;a oE ms,sno uQ,sl ieleiaula'
    • fjí wvúh mj;ajdf.k hk wh iïnkaO lr.ekSug l%uhla'
    • fjí wvúh Ndú;dlsÍfï kS;s Í;s'
    • fjí wvúh Ndú;d lrkakkaf.a fm!oa.,sl;ajh ms<sno m%;sm;a;s'

    by; ldrkd meyeÈ,sj we;=,;a lr ;sîu weâfika .sKqula wkqu;ùu myiq lrjhs'

    Increase Traffic from Search Engines

    If you are buying traffic from some site, this will not help you. If you are getting good amount of traffic from search engine then you have more chances to get the account.

    wfma fjí wvúhg krUkakka f.kakj .kak ´k i,a,s §, fkfïhs' ta úÈhg ojig oyia.kka j,ska msßia meñKsh;a jevla keye' wfma fjí wvúhg fijqï hka;% yryd tk krUkakka b;du;au jákjd' wfma fjí wvúhg ksrdhdifhkau fijqï hka;% yryd ie,lshhq;= msßila meñfkkafka kï weâfikaia ,nd.ekSug th úYd, jdishls'

    Remove All Ads from Your Site

    If you are using some other advertising networks then remove them before applying AdSense account, because Google don’t want you to use other advertising network.

    wms weâfikaia ioyd whÿï lsÍug m%:ufhka wfma wvúfha fjk;a oekaùï cd, j, oekaùï m,lr we;akï tajd ish,a, bj;alr ;eìh hq;=h' fjk;a oekaùï iu. .+.,a oekaùï m,ùu iïnkaOj lsisu leue;a;la Tjqka ;=, fkdue;s nj wm jgyd.; hq;=h'

    Link Your Site to Google Analytic and Webmasters Tools

    When you make your site you must linked to Google analytic and webmasters tool, if you are going to apply for Google AdSense then they will check this. For get accurate information about your Site traffic and other things.

    wms fjí wvúhla ks¾udKh lr wjika jQ miq th .+.,a fjí udiag¾ gQ,a j,g iy .+.,a wek,hsisia fj; we;=,;a l, hq;=h' wm yg weâfikai .sKqula ,nd§ug m%:u wm fjí wvúh iïnkaOj ksjrÈ f;dr;=/ ,nd.ekSug .+.,a fuu fiajd Ndú;d lrkq ,efí'

    lshkak ;shkfoa fláfhka'
    ljq/ fldfydu lsjqj;a fïjd lrkafka ;u ;uka ksid ;j;a fï .ek fydh, n,, ;ukag fydo úÈhg lrkak' uu Th Wäka ioyka lf¾ jeo.;au ldrkd álla' ta iïnkaOj ie,ls,su;a fjkak' Tng ch'

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