Many people think that blogging is all about making money online.
They create a blog, post content daily and put lot of advertisement in their blog. maybe someone click on their ads and they got paid.But if you think you are in that category then sorry my dear friend you can’t survive long.
Blogging is not about making e money. Its about sharing our knowledge and ideas with the people around the world.
Money is also important part of our life but don’t make it your first priority in blogging.
Blogging is all about passion, dedication, hard work and regular approach.
uu wo ,shkafka B uKs miafia f;areula ke;sj ÿjk whg' fï lshk foaj,a jD¾;sh Ãf,d.alrejka jerÈhg f;areï .kak tmd'
wfma ,xldfõ f.dvla fokla B uKs ms,snoj Wkkaÿjla olajkjd' tlaÈk mqyqKq jevuq¿jlg iynd.sfj,d ojfika ,laIm;sfhla fjk tl ;uhs thd,f.a ySkh' yenehs b;ska lK.dgqfjka Wk;a lshkak ;sfhkafka ta ysfkakï ;sfhkafka t<sfjklï ú;rhs lsh,' ljodj;a Th mka;sj, lshk úÈhg i,a,s kï fydhkak ,efnkafka keye'
uq,ska ;uka wOHdmkh w;ska id¾:l ñksfyla fjkak' tlg .e,fmk /lshdjla fydhd.kak' Ãf,d.a flrejdj" B uKs fydhk tl fojeks ;ekg od.kak' ke;akï wms ljolyß mrÈkjd'
oeka b;ska B uKs fiÃœ tlhs' wka;¾cdf,a uydpd¾hjre fiÃœ tlhs ug lE.yf.k tkak tmd' uu fïál lsõfõ wÆ;ska B uKs j,g Wkkaÿ fjk whg'
u;l ;shd.kak' wmsg Ãf,d.a j,ska i,a,s fydhkak ´kkï tlg f.dvla lem fjkak ´k' wms ,shkak ´k iqoafodkag ñila l¿ iqoafodkag fkfï' Thd,g uu lreKq ldrkd álla meyeÈ,s lrd ú;rhs' ;SrKh Thd,f.a wf;a' uu;a Ãf,d.a ,shkjd' tajdhska fmdä .dkl=;a fydhd.kakjd' yenehs uu ta Ãf,d.a ,shkafka bx.%Sisfhka ú;rhs'talshkafka iqoafoda gd¾.Ãœ lr,d'