Export your app from Android Studio Make a great app in android studio | infoblog.tk
byAsad Ullah-
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And Facebook page Tutorial aboutexporting (generating signed APK)your application from Android Studio for installing on mobile devices. Application is exported withapkextension.Open Android Studio and first project Hello World created here.Choose from menu: Build -> Generate Signed APK…In next window Generate Signed APKWizard on Key store path choose Create new…Complete the fields. On Key store path you choose a path and a name for your jks (I choose signature for this example). On Password you choose your own password. Click OK.In next window rewritepassword and click OK. In next window click Finish. You find your app in project folder -> HelloWorld -> app -> app-release.apk.You can rename your apk application, copy in mobile device and install it. Download here the project with all files.x